Website : mikroskil.ac.id
My future depends on what we want to accomplish . After graduating from high school , I had to make a choice subject very influential for my future . Many fields can I choose to define my future . For people who already can be considered mature , it should be field or subject that I want to take, chosen by myself with consideration as mature as possible .STMIK - stie Mikroskil , is one of the top universities located in the city of Medan . STMIK - stie Mikroskil or commonly called Micro has been established since 1997 and has been known by many people both inside and outside the city of Medan . And STMIK - stie Mikroskil already accredited B.I see that the IT faculty Mikroskil being developed at this time . Of course we hope that tomorrow, tomorrow Mikroskil IT faculty can be number 1 university IT graduates who produce the best in Indonesia. Although the name of the faculty of Information Technology Mikroskil universities have not been as good as other well-known as one of the famous university majoring in Engineering Informatikanya Kemanggisan located in the area , West Jakarta , but I am very confident that the quality of IT education in Mikroskil is good and not to be inferior to university - the university . I feel that the only famous university better known by the public because of the campaign far more than Mikroskil . But the quality and the quality of education , faculty of Information Technology Mikroskil can be compared with the other university .


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